Thursday, 20 February 2014

Do we work to live or live to work?

Homo sapiens are considered the most intelligent and productive ones amongst the existing species on the earth. Applying their inquisitive brain and analytical mind, humans have gradually evolved and come a long way. Their ever- changing needs are the sole driving force for every watershed development in the history of Human Civilization. Earlier the need was to earn livelihood to support the family and manage two ends’ meal. However, with the passage of time and advent of new information, technology, concepts, ideas and thoughts, the human psyche has widened and so their needs and requirements. In today’s Information/ Technological Age, very often the question arises, ‘whether mortals of present time, work to live or live to work’?

The world has changed drastically, since the era of Stone Age. The highly sophisticated period of today has brought about phenomenal shifts in the life and living of human beings. There is a greater sense of insecurity, instability, hatred and earnest urge to achieve one-upmanship among the people.  “Moolah” rules most of the mortals’ heart and in order to possess it more and more, living, relishing and appreciating life has taken a back seat. Everyone seems to be in a rush to earn more, acquire state of the art equipment and don a glamorous countenance. To achieve and accomplish all these things, people work during the stipulated official hour and then to earn more, do overtime and yet again, are in a constant quest for part time jobs.

Amid this dumbfounding race, people fail to realize and ruminate over what for they have been running so speedily over the years. The obsession to earn, possess and secure more has to stop at a point where from it starts squeezing out the very essence of human life. 
As it goes by the common wisdom, one has to strike a judicious balance.

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